An interaction exists between Law and Economics. As a Forensic Economist, my obligation is to help tort victims tell their stories. Kadock Consulting Services, LLC employs legal parameters with Current Economic Models to determine just compensations for tort victims. Kadock Consulting Services, LLC in conjunction with legal professionals project pecuniary damages to clients resulting from:
> Personal injury / wrongful death
> Contract violations
> Wrongful termination from employment
> Employment Discrimination
Kadock Consulting Services, LLC utilizes the latest Economic Models with the appropriate multipliers to explore the Economic impact of businesses on their environments.
1. Orange County, NY, 1st Economic Summit
Dr. Vincent Odock was very instrumental in initiating and organizing the first Economic Summit in Orange County NY. At this summit, Dr. Odock presented a report on “The Overview of Orange County” and provided an Economic package which was widely used by educational institutions, Orange County government and businesses.
2. The MASADA Recycling & Ethanol Production Project
Dr.Odock utilized the latest economic model to explore the impact of the MASADA project on Orange County and the local economy. This facility will infuse between $62 million to $68 million dollars annually into the local economy, and will create about 450 permanent jobs in Orange County. About 350 initial construction jobs will also create an additional 332 new jobs due to job multiplier effects. The facility is projected to generate between 1.24 and 1.37 billion dollars in Orange County’s economy within 20 years.
3. SUNY Orange
Dr. Odock conducted two Economic Impact Studies ( 2005, 2012) which provided a snapshot of the Economic impact of the college on Orange County, NY and its environment. The studies also provided an estimate of the Economic contribution of SUNY Orange students in Orange County and an estimate of returns on taxpayers’ investments. The studies showed the multiple effects of SUNY Orange expenditures on the local economy.
4. Cornell University Cooperative Extension
Dr. Odock conducted an Economic Impact Study which showed the multiple effects of Cornell University Cooperative Extension’s expenditures on the local economy.
Kadock Consulting Services, LLC provides Soft Skills Training for youth and adults who are preparing to enter the workforce.
Kadock Consulting Services has continuously provided statistical services and directions to Masters and Doctoral degree candidates
Kadock Consulting Services assists clients in the following areas:
Survey Design
Data Collection
Model Specification
Statistical Analysis
Statistical services to candidates completing Masters’ theses and Doctoral dissertations.
Kadock Consulting Services provides services to clients that include:
Accurate reference and information for consumers who need economic and medical benefits.
Accurate reference/ information to consumers seeking community employment
Serving as an intermediary between agencies providing benefits for clients.
Kadock Consulting Services, LLC provides Business Seminars/ Workshops for Businesses looking to network and prepare their workforce.